Reinventing how collectors manage their entire portfolios
Digitize your collection and connect with other collectors. Every new app that comes to market is geared towards sellers and selling your items, but at nich3 we flip that dynamic upside down and made an app for the people who want to show off their collection. Track the value of your portfolio of collectibles, follow collectors to see what they are picking up, and earn rewards with brands based on what's in your collection.

App Features
Download our beta app today and lock in your username!
Manage Your Portfolio
Organize your physical and digital collectibles! Upload any type of collectible, the value, and keep track of your growing collection. After our beta phase, we will launch the ability to have an NFT of your collectible minted on the blockchain!
Connect With Collectors
When you make your account, you lock in that username for life. Using a username, you can quickly find your favorite collectors and see what they are buying. Keep up with the latest trends and showoff your collection!
Discover New Collectibles
Find items that you've never seen before. Use our search feature to find new collectibles both within your regular genres as well as beyond! You can search for specific users or items, and soon will be able to search by a specific genre.
How The App Works
Personalized Experience
Upon opening the app, users will get to choose their distinctive username for their profile. This is how other users will find you on the app, and you cannot change this name once it is created.

Upload Your Collectibles
Once you have made your profile, you can start uploading all of your different collectibles. You must select what category the collectible falls under, and then enter all other relevant info including what you value the item at and whether it's for sale or not.
Start Organizing Your Collections
Our app makes it incredibly easy to add and categorize your items, so you can quickly access information about each one at any time. You'll be able to track the value of your collections, add photos, and connect with other collectors who share your interests.

Connect With Other Collectors
Add your friends and find other collectors with similar interests to you! Send a message and start a convo. You can search by name, category, as well as find new collectors on our discover page.

Alex and Ricardo first connected over a vintage Fred Babb shirt, and the rest was history. As they began talking, they realized that they both were big collectors of everything from clothing to shoes to art to NFTs; you name it and they had it. Since they lived in different states, they had to rely on digitally showing off their collections to each other, and quickly found that there wasn't a digital space to showcase their collections easily, as well as there being a lack of the ability to have oversight on their entire collections across different genres. Thus, nich3 was born.